April 11, 2011


Hye!!!  Having some photo-shoot with my besties around was awesome.  Last weekend I had given a chance to spend some times with my schoolmates… having lunch together, lepakking, n chitcahting all day along is really fun..  We are talking about guys, loves, and our future instead of talking about our study, family n friends..haha..  KAMON  la weyh!!  Macam la korang kalau jumpe sesame kawan akan ckp pasal mak ayah korang, pasal study semua bagai kan??PROPA la korang!!! Haha…  im starting missing old school times big time!!hehe..  long lives our oldschool days!!  so here are some photos yg aku capture on that day!!!enjoy PEEPS!!:)

yup..mata saya memang sepet!!! opah saya cina laa!!! so what!!!
this is what i wore on that day.. :))
 melompat kegirangan!!
 gambar cik Syira kita....my Bff jugakkk ni:))
 my schoolmates n my Bff laaa.....Syira n Ain:))
 my mission on that day is capturing her photos sampai Beliau pengsan!!:)
 she is sooo simple okay!!!memang main redah je beggie jeans!!haha..but shes so sweet okay:))
 ok...iklan jap!!xde motif!!!hehe:p
 back view!!
 this is me!!
macam2 posing cik syira:)
 tggu ikan kaloi muncul tu!!
 haha...the pinky of syira wahed!!
 buai laju-laju!!
 KITORANG nak buat LOVE!! tapi tak jadi!!kahkah!!
 Me and ain!!
 kawan aku tak kasi aku senyum atau gelak sbb diorang cakap aku takda mata!!!huwaaa!!!KEJAM!!
 them again!!
baca tulisan pada dinding itu yaa!!!

okay...aku cakap orang putih berabuk...haha...peduli hapa aku..bahasa aku..korang faham ke tak..ada aku kesah???ada??ada??hahaha!!(gelak evil!!!)

i love pretty gurls, kinda hard to explain but for sure i am not a LESBO okay!!! 
 ~ Schubert Serenade($_$) ~