February 11, 2012

This is Really Breaks my Heart:(

Please, Please Say NO to War...
Please, Please Say NO to Terrorism..
Please, Please Say NO Violence...
Please, Please Say NO to Aggression..
Please, Please Say NO BOMBS on Syria...:(

Dear Friends, Please make Du'a and Pray for our Sisters and Brothers of Syria... They need us to support them..
That is the least that we can do ...
and to the People of Syria, Please be Strong.. Come Hell or High Water, Allah is always with you...:)

Dear Allah s.w.t, Please protect the people of Syria from all evil deeds..
May Allah Bless..:)

Kita yang masih diberi peluang untuk hidup dalam kesenangan dan kegembiraan tanpa perlu risau akan kesusahan kehidupan, Bersyukurlaa...  Panjatkanla Rasa Syukur anda kepada Allah Yang Maha Esa..♥♥♥ 

Truce : Schubert Serenande