March 3, 2011

A Joke: I want to marry your daughter!! (@_@)

There was a boy who went to meet his girlfriend’s daddy and asked for his permission to marry his daughter(^_^)

a Joke!!!:))

Boy:  Uncle, I want to marry your daughter!!

Girl’s Daddy:  Are you being serious now??

Boy :  Yes!

Girl’s Daddy :  You already know that my daughter is good at nothing.

Boy :  I know.

Girl’s Daddy :  And she is not very bright.

Boy  :  I know sir.

Girl’s Daddy :  And, the worst she can’t even cook.

Boy  :  Yup,  I know it well.

Girl’s Daddy :  Plus, She is careless and accident prone.

Boy :  That is the best.

Girl’s Daddy :  Even though, she is bright and very good about doing the right thing...:))

Boy :  Yup, I know it very well..

Girl’s Daddy :  Good, and I know that she is really loves you..

Boy :  So do I.  I love your daughter so much. I promise she will be the one and only, now and forever.:))

Girl’s Daddy :  (crying)????

hehe.motif daddy kepada remaja perempuan itu menangis maybe sebab dia terharu kot..haha..ending kepada perbualan mereka ialah....jeng..jeng...entahla aku pon tak tau lagi..nanti la aku pikirkan untuk sambung conversation ni..ni pon aku maen redah je tulis..entah betul entah tidak english aku kan..faham2 korang la..agak2 tak betul korang tolong la betulkan...hikhik..aku tetiba rasa nak tulis a joke pasal ni, sebab aku rasa seorang lelaki yang gila berani mati pergi jumpa bapa kepada girlfriend dia, perrgghh memang hebatla...aku tabik spring "TOINK TOINK" kat mamat yang berani macam ni..haha..:p

ok peeps!!enjoy yaa!!have  a great day!!take care and live well!!

-"--"-   gadis paling comel kat dunia  :  Schubert Serenade ($_$)